Thursday, February 21, 2013

There's nothing like the excitement of a new project. Getting the patterns in the mail, reading the envelopes, and going over the instructions are a close second to trying on the finished garment for the first time.

This enthusiasm quickly wanes when the cutting out process begins but it's sweet while it lasts.

The envelope, please...

 McCall's 6553 and 6696

This beauty, "Patternmaking (Portfolio Skills)" by Denmic Chunman Lo, also came in the mail. I stayed up until 3:00 a.m. reading and admiring the beautiful illustrations. It's well written and makes the pattern making process easy to understand. I look forward to making my pattern block and, eventually, my own designs.

Fresh flowers, fresh bread, new patterns, and Blue Bottle Chemex coffee.
A happy mess!

I'm starting with the Fashion Star tent dress in black ponte, which will be my first time working with a knit. Now let's do the damn thang!

Tuesday, February 19, 2013

I'm participating in the Elisalex sewalong! I'm going to Mood tomorrow in search of a nice silk print or dark green flannel. I'm also strangely drawn to this tweed...

...which would be perfect for the sleeveless Reversalex! Perhaps with a contrast red silk reverse? 

I need to really think about this since I tend to fall in love with crazy prints/textiles, never wear them, then donate/sell three months later. It's like I have this zany lil' alter ego that struts around in floral dresses and listens to boy bands when I'm really more of a black-clad, Joy Division type. It's like I need to remind myself that just because the Moschino model looks great in this hot lil' floral mod dress...

...doesn't mean that it's a good look for me. I know I would feel like a giant tool in this dress but I want it! This might also explain my affinity for rom-coms or...this is painful..."Gossip Girl" which I discovered last month while sick and am now hopelessly devoted to.

mean queen, Blair (the BEST bitch)

I guess that's one of the upsides of a handmade wardrobe: you spend so much time planning and laboring over a single garment that it gives you time to really think about what you're making. It takes the impulse away and leaves you with something that truly reflects your personal style.

Until next time,

xoxo Amy

I've made a handful of garments since receiving my sewing machine last year (thanks, Mom!), most of those being novelty xmas gifts, so I'm aware that this is a little ambitious. My hope is that by writing this down for the whole world (5 people) to see I'll be more likely to follow through.

1)McCalls 6696 Sleeveless Silk Dress
Planned Modifications: Swap out the shirt collar for a mini Mandarin.

The inspiration:

dress by Madewell

2) McCalls Fashion Star 6653 in black ponte

Planned Modifications: Nada

I bought the fabric from Mood yesterday and man, it's heavy! That means it'll drape well, riiiight (seriously, I have no clue)?

It comes with and optional self-tie belt which I will use to reel this puppy in at the waist so it's not so all-over-the-place Olsen twinny.

3) By Hand London Elisalex dress in forest green silk.

Planned Modifications: Nix the tulip skirt for an A-line. A medium-weight silk with a bit of gathering around the waist should work. I might swap the scoop neck for a crew neck because I'm modest (lies) and dig necklace-on-top styling. Maybe I'll throw in a couple of in-seam pockets if I don't feel like killing myself by the end.

4) Victory Patterns Roxanne Shirt/Dress Version 2
Planned Modifications: Might lengthen to the knee.

Dream fabric: "Bleach Regazzi" stretch by Tesutti which at $45/yd means I'll be dreaming for a looong time:

5) Salme Kimono Blouse

Planned Modifications: Regular hem on the sleeves. I made this before in one day which means it should actually only take a couple of hours.

In this crazy silk floral from ebay:

6) Silk shirtdress. I haven't found the right pattern yet but this is the look I'm going for:

dress by Rag and Bone

And last but not least...

7) Leather shorts!

No pattern yet. Any ideas? The ones I've seen on Burda are matronly at best, which is quite a feat for GD leather shorts.

I've never worked with leather, made shorts, or sewn a fly zipper so this should be a real "learning experience" (i.e., total nightmare but hopefully worth it in the end).

Check back for the craptastic results or bask in shadenfreude when I never post again!